Eu2P delivers a joint Master of Science degree called "Master in Pharmacovigilance and Pharmacoepidemiology"
- The Eu2P Master of Science degree is jointly awarded by the Academic Partners having signed the Master agreement(*)
- Université de Bordeaux - France
- Erasmus Universitair Medisch Centrum - The Netherlands
- Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - Spain
- University of Hertfordshire - United-Kingdom
- Universiteit Utrecht - The Netherlands
- Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli - Italia
Industry and regulatory partners are part of the Master agreement as Associated Partners and fully participate to Master training content and delivery.
The Eu2P Master is based on national pre-existing masters delivered by the Universities partners of Eu2P. It is compliant with the Bologna process, and is fully recognised by the relevant national Ministries of Higher Education: The Eu2P Master of Science degree has the same academic value as any other national Master degree.
The joint Eu2P Master of Science diploma is printed and issued by the Université de Bordeaux. It includes the logos of Eu2P Academic Partners and is signed by Eu2P Academic Partners Presidents or Rectors.
(*) All Eu2P partners fully participate to the Master training content and delivery as soon as the programme starts. Although all Academic Partners sign the Master agreement, some of them may be delayed in obtaining the Eu2P Master award accreditation. In such case, only the Eu2P Universities that are entitled to do so award and issue the joint Eu2P Master degree to the successful trainee. In addition, the Master curriculum and the participation of all Eu2P partners are detailed in the Eu2P Master Diploma supplement.
A European Diploma Supplement in English is delivered to the successful Eu2P Master trainee to improve international transparency and facilitate the academic and professional recognition of qualifications.
This European Diploma Supplement deals with programme details and results obtained by the successful trainee. This supplement includes the number of validated ECTS credits and provides a detailed description of the qualification, mobility, and research project periods. It recognises the achievement of the joint award.
The Eu2P Diploma Supplement is printed and issued by the Université de Bordeaux. It includes the logos of Eu2P Academic Partners and is signed by Eu2P Academic Partners Presidents or Rectors.
The Eu2P Master assessment process encompasses grade-based and pass/fail assessment for theoretical training (the course modules) and for practical training (the research project).
- Each course module is appraised by:
- Continuous assessment along the academic year
- Final assessment by specific final examination sessions in December, March and June of each year
- The research project defence takes place by the end of June of each academic year and includes:
- A research project written report that weights 40% of the global research project grade
- A research project oral defence that weights 40% of the global research project grade
- An overall research project appraisal that weights 20% of the global research project grade
Master Year 1 grade
In order to validate the Master Year 1 curriculum, the trainee has to pass all modules s/he was registered in, under the following conditions:
- Need to be successful in each module assessment i.e. obtain a minimum of "pass"
- No compensation between modules
- Need to obtain a minimum average grade of "pass" for the research project assessment.
Master Year 2 grade
In order to validate the Master Year 2 curriculum, the trainee has to pass all modules s/he was registered in, under the following conditions:
- Need to be successful in each module assessment i.e. obtain a minimum of "pass"
- No compensation between modules
- Need to obtain a minimum average grade of "pass" for the research project assessment.
- The theoretical training assessment is organised module by module and conducted in English
- The grade is determined by the respective module coordinator, based on local grading system
- Local grades are converted into the Eu2P ECTS grading system according to the following table approved each year by the Eu2P Examination Board
- All Eu2P modules grade are then cross-reviewed by an external reviewer
Eu2P grades translation | French marks | English marks | Dutch marks | Spanish marks | Italian marks | |
A+ | Excellent | 16 - 20 | 80 - 100 | 8,5 - 10 | 8 - 10 | 29-30 lode |
A | Very good | 14 - 15,9 | 70 - 79 | 7,5 - 8,4 | 7- 7,9 | 27 - 28 |
B | Good | 12 - 13,9 | 60 - 69 | 7 - 7,4 | 5,6 - 6,9 | 23 - 26 |
C | Pass | 10 - 11,9 | 50 - 59 | 5,5 - 6,9 | 5 - 5,5 | 18 - 22 |
F | Fail | 0 - 9,9 | 0 - 49 | 0 - 5,4 | 0 - 4,9 | 0 - 17 |
The successful completion of a module, i.e. upon obtaining at least a "pass", validates the corresponding number of ECTS credits. The assessment process is collectively reviewed by the Eu2P Examination Board.