You may work in a drug and patient safety driven environment (pharma industry, SME, CRO, regulatory agency, health institution, patients organisation, media) without being directly involved in the core pharmacovigilance activites and yet, you need to understand them better to improve your activities (engineering, monitoring, assessing, controlling, reporting, commenting, deciding...).
How can Eu2P help?
Whether you are an IT, data management, statistics, quality management, communication, marketing or administration staff member working in a Drug Safety related environment or a patients association representative, a public health or health economy expert journalist, a policy or decision maker, you would certainly benefit from better understanding medicine benefit-risk assessment, regulation, health economics or medicine risk communication...
Eu2P provides introductory to advanced level training in these fields and many more in short and focussed courses or longer and in-depth module formats!
Are you considered as non specialist professional?
Whatever is your occupation, you are not graduated in health or life sciences
Pharmacovigilance, Drug Safety, Pharmacoepidemiology, Patient Safety, Regulatory Affairs, Health Authorities, Health Economics, Public Health, Media, IT technician or project manager, Data analyst or manager, Statistician, Quality officer or manager, health communication manager, marketing manager, patient association representative, health journalist, health authority decision maker, health reimbursement manager...
Confused? Read the FAQs...