Integrating Pharmacovigilance and consumption data analysis - uses, limitations and potentiality
The technical evolution of databases as well as the new possibilities to analyze them has added new information sources to obtain valuable data describing the consumption of medicines at different levels.
The course intends to :
Highlight the importance of how patients actually use medicines in the appearance of adverse drug reactions.
Discuss some examples showing the potentiality of analysing the characteristics of use of medicines.
Help you to identify potential sources of information on medicines use.
Discuss strengths, limitations and biases of different sources of information describing medicines use.
plan, ADR, innapropriate, use, medecines
At the end of the course, you will be able to :
Look at how patients are taking their medicines each time you assess any potential adverse drug reaction.
Identify when an inappropriate use of medicines can be the cause of an unnecessary adverse drug reaction.
Plan analyses of medicines utilization data sources in order to identify preventable adverse drug reactions.