Press release
Eu2P is celebrating its 10th anniversary!

Eu2P 10th anniversary celebration will take place at the University of Bordeaux on September 26, 2019.

It is time to remember and praise Eu2P achievements and explore the upcoming challenges in pharmacovigilance and pharmacoepidemiology education.

Ten years ago, the Eu2P project kick-off meeting took place in London. Setting up an innovative European MSc training programme in pharmacovigilance and pharmacoepidemiology was the main goal of the prestigious public-private Eu2P consortium.

After two years of intensive work on programme design, online application and learning tool developments, the first MSc year 2 students cohort and some Certificate students signed up. The following year, the MSc year 1 curriculum and related Certificates were released for new Eu2P students. Then, the PhD programme was launched, and later in 2016, a special short-duration training offer for busy professionals wanting to explore or update knowledge or skills on specific topics was also proposed.

To date,

All of this would not have been possible without the preexistence of an esteemed academic network. These academic researchers and lecturers have been involved for a long time in high-level research and methodology in pharmacovigilance and pharmacoepidemiology. They had contributed to establishing quality standards and best practices in various European (ENCePP network) and international bodies (ISoP and ISPE societies) as active members, including presidents.

The IMI 5 years project funding was key in making this dream project come true. This framework notably enabled the involvement of regulatory agencies (including the EMA) and EFPIA pharma industry partners to enrich the programme curriculae with different stakeholders perspectives, international experts involvements and real-life case learning materials. The public-private coordination of the project stimulated fruitful work across the consortium and the Eu2P Central Office managed the day-to-day project and programme life, far beyond the initial funding period as sustainability was a target objective from day one.


Related complementary information

  1. Eu2P 10th anniversary celebration programme
  2. Eu2P project history overview
  3. 'All this wouldn’t have been possible without IMI' - an interview with Eu2P project coordinators


About Eu2P

Eu2P is a European online education and training programme in pharmacovigilance and pharmacoepidemiology created by a consortium of 7 Universities, the European and French regulatory agencies and 15 members of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) under the financial support provided by the Innovative Medicines Initiatives (IMI JU).


Dr. Karine Palin
Eu2P Programme Manager

+33 (0) 557 579 257

Eu2P Central Office, Université de Bordeaux
146 rue Léo Saignat, Case 36
33076 Bordeaux cedex France


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